You can achieve weight loss by eliminating high-calorie, refined, nutrient-poor foods. The dietary component of the 21-Day Cleanse Program is designed to have nutrient-dense foods with the added benefit of utilizing whole foods and whole food supplements to support detoxification. The ideal weight management system is not a quick fix–instead it is a long-term commitment. You will need to make lifestyle changes that will continue long after the 21-Day Cleanse process has been completed. By following the 21-Day Cleanse Program you will be working toward sustained, long-term weight management.
Exercise facilitates the removal of toxins and it helps you manage a healthy weight. It is recommended that you walk at least 30-45 minutes at least four days per week. Strenuous exercise should be put on hold during the three-week period. Let us know if you are currently on a more strenuous exercise program that you would like to maintain throughout the 21-Day Cleanse Program.
Here are some tips to help you stay on track:
• Plan your strategy before you leave home.
• When choosing a restaurant, select one which serves foods that are on
the recommended list. This will curb temptation.
• When traveling, pack a cooler of foods, including fresh fruit and sliced
raw vegetables–and don't forget the water bottles.
• When attending a social gathering, bring a dish to pass that you know
would be acceptable, like a fruit/veggie tray or chicken kabobs.
Always continue taking your medications as directed by your physician. As for your supplements, we can help you decide what is right for you based on your health history, current supplements that you are taking, and health goals.
The vegetables cited in this program are recommended because of their high nutritive value and their capacity to support detoxification.
Two of the main effects will be an increase in urination and bowel movements. This is a natural effect of purifying and should not interfere with your daily activities. In rare cases, you may experience a throbbing sensation in the head, generalized aches, itchy skin, rashes, or fatigue. These are normal occurrences and will subside in a day or two.
Call us if you have questions about how you are feeling or what you are experiencing.
You may be fatigued because your body may require a higher amount of protein while purifying, just add a powdered protein supplement to your program. A powdered protein supplement that contains 15 - 25 grams of protein per serving should meet your protein requirements.
Remember to drink plenty of water–at least 64 ounces per day. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits with high fiber content. Eating one beet daily encourages regular bowel movements. Call us about other recommendations if needed.
Gluten sensitivity is a complex issue. Due to differences in a person's sensitivities, nutritional counseling should be individualized and potential gluten allergies and/or celiac disease should be discussed before you begin the 21-Day Cleanse Program.
It is vegetarian (lacto-ovo), but not vegan.
If you suspect you are having a reaction to a specific food, refrain from eating it and we will let you know how to incorporate alternative food sources.